Contact: Nina Smith, [email protected]

Tonight’s Presidential Debate Reveals Priority Economic Issues On Ballot: Affordable Childcare, Elder Care, and Care Work – Care in Action Prepares to Get Out the Vote

ATLANTA – Tonight’s presidential debate between President Biden and Donald Trump in Atlanta, Georgia, highlighted the crucial economic issues facing our nation, particularly the care crisis and its economic impact. As Jake Tapper said, “child care is more expensive than rent.” Thanks to Care in Action and coalition partners’ advocacy work over the years, Biden answered these questions while Trump refused. 

Hillary Holley, Executive Director of Care in Action, issued the following statement:

“Tonight’s debate underscored that Trump has no plan to address the most pressing economic issues for the majority of voters. Black and brown women voters, who are the center of the Democratic base, are demanding the next president address the growing care crisis in our country. After tonight, we know that Biden will continue to make progress, and Trump will ignore our communities’ struggles. With an aging population and a care infrastructure that is lagging behind, the impact on families and the broader economy cannot be overstated. Care workers, predominantly women of color, are undervalued and underpaid. Addressing their needs is not just a matter of fairness; it is essential for a healthy, functioning economy, and it’s clear Trump does not understand nor care about this rising crisis. And this is why Care in Action is heavily investing in this election cycle and reaching out to over five million Black and brown voters in this election’s most competitive battleground states such as Georgia, North Carolina, Arizona, and Nevada. 

We continue to celebrate the Biden-Harris Administration’s focus on care and their collaboration with working families, emphasized through key achievements that reinforce the federal commitment to improving the lives of care workers. 

Voters want and need a pro-care president in office. Tonight’s debate made it clear that only one candidate has a plan to build up our care economy. Care in Action is committed to advocating for the rights and recognition of working families, especially for care workers and caregivers. We will continue to fight for a just and equitable care infrastructure that values and supports the essential work our members provide.” 

The debate’s location in Atlanta emphasizes that Georgia remains a key battleground state for both candidates, reflecting the national significance of addressing the care crisis and economic inequities faced by working families, care workers, and caregivers. As such, the issues spotlighted in Georgia resonate nationwide, highlighting the urgent need for policy changes to support and uplift this vital workforce everywhere.

Georgia’s voter engagement and mobilization efforts in 2020 set a powerful precedent for the South – leading Biden to a White House win, and demonstrating the significant influence of organized care workers and caregivers as a political constituency. Polling conducted by Care in Action and Targetsmart in April and May of this year found that 60 percent of Georgia’s Black voters prefer a leader who prioritizes a care agenda.

Care in Action is the policy and advocacy home for women who care, working on behalf of more than two million domestic workers and care workers across America. Among the fastest-growing sectors in our economy, domestic workers are also among the most vulnerable and undervalued. As a mostly women and majority women of color workforce, this growing constituency consistently and overwhelmingly supports progressive values in American political life. Learn more at