CONTACT: Christina Coleman, [email protected]

ICYMI: Medicare at Home, “The Issue No One Is Talking About That Might Swing Wisconsin”

In announcing a new policy to cover long term care at home through Medicare, Vice President Harris “may have just made her biggest move to win Wisconsin yet”

New polling finds “bipartisan support for leadership on the issue, and scores big points with independents and swing voters alike.” 

In battleground states like Wisconsin, voters are tuning in during the final weeks leading up to Election Day and they’re excited about Vice President Harris’s plans to back workers and families with new care policies that lower their costs and help families afford care options that are right for them and their loved ones. 

See below for key points from Newsweek.

“Tuesday, she may have just made her biggest move to win Wisconsin yet, going on ABC’s “The View” and announcing her plan to expand Medicare, called Medicare at Home, to cover long-term care. That same day, Senior Voters for Care Wisconsin, released a poll, conducted by Hart Research Associates, of likely voters in Wisconsin over 55.”

“Wisconsin is a rapidly aging state. Forward Analytics, the research arm of the Wisconsin Association of Counties, reports that in the next five years the number of Wisconsin residents 75 or older is expected to increase by 41 percent, growing from 407,000 to 574,000. This population is the prime consumer of assisted living and nursing home facilities.”

“The issue of nursing homes has been front and center in Wisconsin. This summer there has been a concerted push by rural county boards to privatize county-owned nursing homes. The issue has stirred up a hornet’s nest, with small-town seniors flooding into county board meetings, marching in local parades, and giving county board members hell every step of the way. Meetings and rallies to protest privatization have been attended by Democrats, Republicans and Independents.

There has already been evidence that this issue has resonance at the polls, with two county board chairs who sought to privatize care in their communities being voted out in Wisconsin’s spring elections.”

“Senior Voters for Care’s poll, conducted by Hart Research Associates, surveyed 800 likely voters over 55. The findings point to bipartisan support for leadership on the issue, and scores big points with independents and swing voters alike.”


About Care Can’t Wait Action:

Care Can’t Wait Action launched in 2023 to mobilize tens of millions of Americans centering care as a winning issue for policymakers, representing one of the largest coalitions of labor unions, advocacy organizations, and grassroots groups focused on care in history. 

The Care Can’t Wait Action Coalition includes: ❖ AFL-CIO ❖ AFSCME ❖ American Federation of Teachers ❖ Be A Hero ❖ Care in Action ❖ Child Care for Every Family Action ❖ Community Change Action ❖ Campaign for a Family Friendly Economy ❖ Family Values @ Work Action ❖ MomsRising Together ❖ National Partnership for Women & Families Action Fund ❖ National Women’s Law Center Action Fund ❖ Oxfam America Action Fund ❖ Priorities USA Action ❖ Paid Leave for All Action ❖ Service Employees International Union ❖ Supermajority ❖ United Domestic Workers