Contact: Daniela Perez, [email protected]

Care in Action Celebrates International Domestic Workers Day and Juneteenth, Emphasizing the Political Power of Care Workers

Macon, GA – As we honor International Domestic Workers Day on June 16 and Juneteenth on June 19, Care in Action, the political home for domestic workers and those who care, recognizes the immense power and contributions of care workers across the nation. This year marks another step in our ongoing efforts to advocate for a robust care agenda that benefits everyone, including paid family and sick leave, universal childcare, and fair wages for care workers, many of whom are Black, immigrant women, or other women of color.

In honor of International Domestic Workers Day and Juneteenth, we pay tribute to the indomitable spirit of domestic and care workers leading our movement. Their political power is irrefutable, and our commitment to building a robust care infrastructure and a multi-racial democracy grows stronger each year.

This past weekend, domestic workers in Macon, GA, and across Virginia showcased their unwavering dedication to the care agenda through canvassing. In Macon, in addition to our canvassing efforts, we celebrated a mural unveiling and paid tribute at the Harriet Tubman Museum, highlighting the deep connection between International Domestic Workers Day and Juneteenth. Georgia, the birthplace of the modern domestic worker movement, continues to be a beacon of resilience and activism.

Hillary Holley, Executive Director of Care in Action released the following statement: 

“Domestic workers are representing a broader care constituency, joining families in experiencing the rising cost of living, lack of affordable childcare, lack of affordable health care, and aging and disability care. These workers understand that the future is them – and that they’re the best leaders and messengers to inform voters about what the care agenda is – affordable child care, paid leave, and aging and disability care and how they can join them in a broader movement to win a comprehensive care agenda. The South has profoundly impacted our domestic worker movement, with these women being lifelong organizers. Now, the country is witnessing its political prowess.

The connection between Juneteenth and International Domestic Workers Day is clear. Both days symbolize freedom, resilience, and the fight for justice. Just as Juneteenth represents the end of slavery in Galveston, Texas, and the struggle for freedom and rights, International Domestic Workers Day highlights the ongoing fight for recognition, fair wages, and dignity for all domestic workers. Domestic and care workers have been at the forefront of these battles, and their contributions are often overlooked but essential to the engines of our economy. Their leadership and advocacy are crucial in shaping policies that strengthen our communities and support working families – building an economy that works for all.”

This year, Care in Action shines a spotlight on the significant advances made by the South and Southwest. In the last month, our domestic worker canvassers have knocked on doors all across Nevada, Virginia, and Georgia – they’ll continue their work in Arizona next month. With Virginia’s 60,000 domestic workers, Georgia’s 100,000 domestic workers, Nevada’s 10,000 domestic workers, and Arizona’s 40,000 domestic workers, these states exemplify the immense political organizing power in the South and Southwest. Combined, these 210,000 workers highlight the significant political influence that domestic workers can harness across these regions. These dedicated workers—many of whom are Black, immigrant women, and other women of color—are relentless in sharing their stories and driving the fight for a comprehensive care agenda.

The natural organizing power of care workers is a testament to their invaluable contributions and our collective commitment to their rights. As we honor these remarkable individuals, we recognize their essential voices in shaping a future that supports and uplifts them. Together, we propel our movement forward, ensuring justice and recognition for all domestic and care workers.

The legacy of domestic worker organizing is deeply rooted in the South, with historical milestones such as the Atlanta Washerwoman Strikes of the 1880s. Despite their contributions, domestic workers have historically been excluded from labor protections established in the 1930s. The ongoing efforts of domestic workers are inspired by leaders like Dorothy Bolden, who founded the National Domestic Workers Union of America in the 1960s.

Care in Action is the policy and advocacy home for women who care, working on behalf of more than two million domestic workers and care workers across America. Among the fastest-growing sectors in our economy, domestic workers are also among the most vulnerable and undervalued. As a mostly women and majority women of color workforce, this growing constituency consistently and overwhelmingly supports progressive values in American political life. Learn more at