Get Vote Ready
Get Vote Ready

The U.S. General Election is on Nov. 5. Get Vote Ready and make a plan that works for you.

Remember, whether you choose to vote early, vote by mail, or in-person, you have options to make voting safe and convenient for you. Learn how to make a plan that’s flexible for your schedule and to get information on when, where, and how to vote.

Check Your Voter Registration

Ways to Vote

In Person:

Vote By Absentee Ballot:

  • To vote by mail, request an absentee ballot as soon as possible. Complete the form to request your absentee ballot before the deadline for your state.
  • Complete your absentee ballot and be sure to mail it in well before your state’s deadlines. You can also find your nearest ballot dropbox to return your mail-in ballot before your election deadlines.
  • If you cannot find a nearby ballot dropbox, then you may need to make plans to vote early in-person. The rules for your state may vary, so if you requested a mail-in ballot, you may need to exchange your mail-in ballot for a provisional ballot. Look up the rules for your state at

Be vote ready

Stay safe from COVID

  • Bring your own black ink pen, or a stylus or similar object for use with touchscreen voting machines.
  • Wash your hands before entering and after leaving the polling location.
  • Masks. The CDC recommends wearing a mask when indoors in public areas. Some counties might need you to remove your mask for identification purposes.
  • Bring hand sanitizer. After you cast your ballot, touching doors, or any other shared surfaces: sanitize.
  • Be prepared in case you need to wait. Bringing your own snacks and water!
  • Stay 6 feet apart. Just like at the grocery store, don’t shake hands, maintain social distancing.
  • Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or the inside of your elbow. Throw used tissues in lined trash cans.

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